Jane Piper

Storyteller – Public Speaker – Rape Survivor

Jane uses humour and her trademark frankness to deal with a heavy topic in an approachable way and tailors her talks to best suit the needs of each audience.
Motivational Speaking

Jane speaks of resilience and how sudden life events can derail our goals and dreams sending us in a new unknown and often terrifying direction of discovery and rebirth.

Tailored Events

From high school assembly, to corporate events, Jane will tailor her talk to best reach and suit the needs of her audience.                                          


Jane has years of experience working in all forms of media, and is comfortable onstage, or in front of a camera addressing current news stories involving the topic of rape and sexual assault.

About Jane

After being brutally beaten and raped in 2003, Jane Piper embarked on a journey of forgiveness and discovery that has changed many lives including her own. By opening up about her own story of healing, Jane creates a new safe space for a necessary conversation about violence. She does this by speaking to audiences as varied as students, educators, women’s organizations, prison workshops and more. Jane’s story has been extensively covered in the media and she is a frequent guest talking about violence against women and rape culture. Outlets from the LA Times to People Magazine to CTV News have covered her story.


"I have been so moved by Jane's ability to share her story, and journey of healing and transformation. She has the rare capacity to integrate and articulate such a deeply harmful experience into words. So much so that I asked Jane to speak at restorative justice trainings in California and India in which she brought many participants to tears, and to a deeper understanding of how to facilitate restorative justice processes of sexual harm. Jane also came to visit the men we work with in prison who have committed serious offenses, and her sharing her experience as a survivor of rape had a profound impact on the group and their capacity for accountability and a deepening of their own healing.
Sonya Shah
Executive Director, Ahimsa Collective